PLMA's 2019-2022 Strategic Vision REFRESH (strategic plan) identifies two significant initiatives which together represent a major focus of PLMA's mission and ongoing work: 

A) Spark DER Innovation: Stimulate DER advancement by providing a process/platform for identifying industry needs and accelerating innovation. 
B) Advance Decarbonization through Load Management: Demonstrate how load management is
an important tool for achieving decarbonization goals.

About the Innovation Forum 
The purpose of PLMA's Innovation Forum is to address these two strategic initiatives, individually and together, in order to advance DER innovation and adoption across the energy industry, and there by support national, regional, and local clean energy and decarbonization goals.

To that end, PLMA has developed a series of events, some of which have been completed and others that still lie ahead. The following diagram provides an overview of PLMA's path to advancing DER innovation: 

Events in the Innovation Forum
May 2020: Challenge Identification / Categorization Workshop
June 2021:  DER Challenge Definition Roundtable (click here to access)
December 2021: DER Innovation Stories (click here to access)

In this area of the Load Management Resource Center, PLMA members can access recordings, slides, discussion transcripts, and other content relevant to the Innovation Forum.