National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program Implementation - Virginia and Maine

Date: February 2025

A discussion about the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program and how it's being implemented in two states.

Erin Belt with VDOT shares how Virginia has developed their NEVI Deployment Plan, selected alternative fuel corridors for federal designation, and released their Phase I-A funding through a grant application process. VDOT made coordination with utility providers in Virginia a priority with the development of their funding application and have early lessons learned to share.

In addition, Ethan Tremblay provides an overview of Maine’s approach to the NEVI Program, including the development of the federally funded plan, alignment with other state processes, and progress to date. He describes the coordination between state and quasi-state agencies, utilities, and other entities to ensure program success and share lessons learned to date.

Kessie Avsekova, Opinion Dynamics
Erin Belt, VA DOT
Ethan Tremblay, State of Maine, Governor’s Energy Office

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