Program Design and Implementation, March 27-29, 2024 in Austin, TX

This two-day interactive, online class covers the key elements of demand response (DR) activities, including topics related to program development such as the market and regulatory environments, business drivers, market potential, program design, and economic analysis.

Topics related to program implementation will include the tactics and methodologies used to improve program success and are listed below.

  • Discussions of organizational and resourcing strategies
  • Contracting
  • Business Processes
  • Technology integration including distributed energy resources
  • Evaluation, measurement, and verification


Course Details

Class Materials
White Paper: Evolution of DR to DER (2 pages)
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
Instructor and Mentor Bios + Contact Info
Module 1: PDI Introduction
Module 2: DR Potential
Module 3: Portfolio Development
Module 4: DR Program Design
Module 5: Cost Effectiveness
Module 6: Program Staffing Outsourcing
Module 7: Program Marketing Management
Module 8: Tech Architecture & Integration
Module 9: EM&V