FERC Order 2222: Part 1 of 4 | Overview + Compliance Update

FERC Order Part 1: An Overview of FERC 2222 (a 1-hour webinar)
June 2022

In September of 2020, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), due to findings of “unjust and unreasonable” market rules that present barriers to DER aggregations in RTO/ISO market, issued Order number 2222 titled: “Participation of Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Aggregations in Markets Operated by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) And Independent System Operators (ISOs).”

Since that time, this order has had two “Rehearing Orders” (2222-A and 2222-B) issued, while compliance filings have also been submitted by the ISOs/RTOs. The goal of the order is to enhance competition by removing barriers to participation of DER aggregations into the RTO/ISO markets, and to ensure these markets produce just and reasonable rates.

PLMA's 4-part series on the pivotal FERC Order 2222 discusses it from a variety of viewpoints. This first session will form a foundation for the succeeding conversations where several market participants will share their plans and perspectives as we plan for a “post FERC 2222” marketplace for DER aggregations.

David Kathan, FERC Staff
Nichole Businelli, FERC Staff

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