Integration + Optimization of Consumer DERs

Multiple customer characteristics create optimal bundles of EE, DR and DERs, showing DERs have significant impact on location resiliency, power quality, and reliability. (April 2020)


Date: April 2020

In this study, unique customer characteristics, including location, efficiency, weather sensitivity, journey to customer engagement, and distributed energy resource (DER) preferences were used to develop unique, optimal bundles of EE, DR and DERs. These bundles were then deployed to create custom marketing and offer sheets, and to develop win-win, least-cost solutions for customers.

The program included scenarios focused on granular avoided costs, data, and expanded “system level” avoided costs to include additional customer-specific value buckets. Study results show that timing, location, and technology gain importance at the local circuit level, where investments are needed for power resiliency, quality, and reliability. Measures of loss, voltage drop, volt-var become location dependent.

This study shows DERs can and do have a significant impact on location resiliency, power quality, and reliability.

Featured Speakers:
Mark Martinez, So Cal Edison
Kenneth Skinner, Integrated Analytics
Eric Woychik, Willdan Corporation