Full House: Residential DR Recruitment and Retention Strategies during COVID-19

Challenges faced by utilities over 2020 and the approaches they've taken to keep programs fully subscribed and delivering results during COVID-19 home quarantines. (March 2021)


Date: March 2020

It has been a wild and wooly year for managing residential demand response programs. In addition to normal program management, we have had the additional challenges of our customers and ourselves having to shelter-in-place, as well as the difficulty predicting changes in customer behavior this new normal brings. 

Learn more about challenges utility peers have faced and some of the approaches they have taken to keep their programs fully subscribed and delivering results while customers’ homes are more fully occupied.

Featured Speakers:
Diana Sefcik, Orange and Rockland Utilities
Tracy Schmidt, Tennessee Valley Authority
Vanessa Richter, Oracle Utilities
Erica Keating, Southern California Edison
Michael Haber, EnergyHub