Bridging the Gap between DSM and Grid Operations

Strategies for bridging the DSM-to-grid operations gap with Arizona Public Service, including use cases, software integrations, and other change management work streams needed for a seamless integration. (April 2020)


Date: April 2020

There is a tendency for DER programs to be confined within the silos of DSM groups. As these programs start to reach critical scale, APS is working towards bringing these DERs into the control room.  APS’ DSM team uses a ROP (Resource Operating Platform) to dynamically manage a portfolio of DERs to unlock an array of grid services. These include energy storage programs in the APS Rewards initiative, such as thermostats, batteries, and water heaters, as well as solar inverters which are part of the APS Solar Communities program.

In this session, panelists discuss strategies for bridging the DSM - grid operations gap. Experts from APS  share the use cases, software integrations, and other change management workstreams required to ensure a seamless and future-proof integration.

Michael McMaster, Arizona Public Service
Tom Hines, Tierra Consultants
Tyler Rogers, EnergyHub