Lessons from the Cutting Edge of EV Load Management

Eversource, Tuscon Electric Power, and their vendors discuss the acceptance and adoption of smart consumer devices, including EVs, to help utilities maximize their opportunities. (April 2020)


Date: April 2020

Connected Devices Session
Take an electric vehicle road trip with the Connected Devices Interest Group! Our first stop will be a cost calculator developed by Tuscon Electric Power (TEP) to help mitigate the fear of purchasing fleets of electric vehicles. Our second stop will be a cost calculator developed by TEP to help customers understand and plan for converting to EVs. Our final stop includes Eversource and Energy Hub discussing how they created a BYOD DR program for electric vehicles. At every stop along the way, we will discuss the resources, opportunities and barriers that utilities must consider to incorporate these types of solutions into a program.

After a long road trip, we come home to our “Connected Home”, a bundle of smart devices that work together to make our lives more comfortable, and also to provide energy benefits to our utilities. Hear from CLEAResult and AEG about a study conducted with PG&E to learn how customers interact with their smart technology, and what functionality might be of greatest interest to them in the future. These insights are helpful as utilities strive to leverage the benefits of an increasing number of smart devices.

Roshan Bhakta, Eversource
Mike DeBenedittis, EnergyHub
Camila Martins-Bekat, Tucson Electric Power
Shelly Hagerman, West Monroe Partners
Jon Koliner, Apex Analytics
Dan Violette, Apex Analytics
Kelly Marrin, Applied Energy Group
Barb Ryan, Applied Energy Group
Peter Yeh, CLEAResult

Note: Recording starts at 1:12:24.