Evolving Demand Response with a Multi-DER Portfolio

BGE's vision for managing a DER portfolio at scale across multiple asset classes, including customer engagement, program design, and implementing BYOT and BYOD TOU programs through a DERMS. (Nov 2020)


Date: November 2020

Baltimore Gas & Electric (BGE) is a longtime demand response leader, and they continue to pioneer the capabilities of DERs with the launch of new BYOT and EV TOU rate programs. In this session, BGE speakers share their vision for managing a DER portfolio at scale across multiple asset classes. Specifically, they discuss experiences with customer engagement, program design, and implementing BYOT and BYOD TOU rate programs through a DERMS.

Hear insights from a DER pioneer on program strategies that meet grid needs today while providing a foundation for future growth.

Kristy Fleischmann Groncki, Baltimore Gas & Electric
Dana DeRemigis, Baltimore Gas and Electric
Erika Diamond, EnergyHub